Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
BAS_BUG.ZIP | Yes | 52630 | 1/28/1993 | Bas_Bug is a list of 2000 bugs reports and technical tips for VB-DOS, PDS, QB and MSBasic. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BASM10.ZIP | Yes | 297471 | 4/26/1995 | BASM 1.0 converts BASIC source code to assembler source code compatible with MASM and TASM. (Kevin Diggins) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BASXRF.ZIP | Yes | 45243 | 6/6/1994 | Basic X-Ref 2.0 will print a program listing, a cross-reference of line labels or line numbers, and a cross reference of reserved words. (J N Goodale) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $17) |
BINARY.ZIP | Yes | 12739 | 12/15/1993 | Binary 1.0 converts GWBasic programs to ASCII which were saved in protected mode. (John De Palma) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BL_UTIL.ZIP | Yes | 5738 | 8/6/1990 | MakeBload/StripBload converts data files to/from BASIC's BLOAD format. (Chuck Nelson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BPREP.ZIP | Yes | 21063 | 2/25/1992 | BPrep 1.10 is a preprocessor for the BASIC language. (Applied Design Group) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
COMMENTS.ZIP | Yes | 82414 | 10/17/1993 | Comments does a very thorough job of helping you annotate your QB source code. (LAMCO Software) (Reg.Fee: $20-$30) |
COMPARE.ZIP | Yes | 18324 | 10/27/1994 | Compare displays the differences between two text or two binary files. (Michael J. Mefford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FLWCHRT.ZIP | Yes | 29270 | 1/23/1986 | Flowchart charts the flow of a Basic program to make it easier to understand and modify that program. (Lynn Lively) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
HANDY.ZIP | Yes | 72268 | 2/1/1995 | Handy.BAS is a collection of procedures for use in QBASIC and QuickBasic programs. (Raymond W. Marron) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
IDECLAR.ZIP | Yes | 39547 | 12/15/1992 | IDeclare 1.01 creates include files without duplicate or unused declarations, customized for selected modules. (KittyTigerSoftware) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
LIBKEY.ZIP | Yes | 55579 | 2/22/1991 | Libkey 1.0 is a Quicklibrary and LIB utility for QuickBasic programmers. (John M. Coon) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
LIBMGR.ZIP | Yes | 54310 | 10/16/1993 | LibMgr is a library manager to make Microsoft's QuickBASIC BUILDLIB easier to use. (Dave Evers) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
LINEBUG.ZIP | Yes | 1453 | 5/26/1984 | Linebug lets you know whether or not you have accidentally fouled-up any line numbers in a BASIC program when you are not using the BASIC Editor. (ComFax) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
LOVR.ZIP | Yes | 15541 | 6/22/1989 | Lovr 1.12 is an overlay manager for QuickBASIC 4+. (Michael E. Devore) (Reg.Fee: $45) |
MAKEQLB.ZIP | Yes | 63214 | 10/2/1990 | MakeQLBV is a .QLB maker utility for BASIC programs. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MIE.ZIP | Yes | 10751 | 8/12/1992 | MIE is a QLB that lets you insert over 50 lines of code for IF ELSEIF END IF statements in under 10 seconds. (Scott Nathan Roepenack) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
MON_RB.ZIP | Yes | 19095 | 10/6/1985 | Monitor is a series of routines that provide a consistant user interface for application development. (Richard C. Bemis) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
MSC.ZIP | Yes | 10711 | 8/12/1992 | MSC is a QLB that inserts a Select Case into your programs with a couple of keystrokes. (Scott Nathan Roepenack) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
NUMADD.ZIP | Yes | 55021 | 4/15/1994 | AddNum 2.1 adds numbers to the lines in your QuickBASIC source code. (John De Palma) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
OPTIMIZ.ZIP | Yes | 8046 | 1/16/1986 | Optimize removes all unreferenced line numbers, allowing the compiler to optimize over entire blocks of code rather than single lines. (Dave Glowacki) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
PPM116.ZIP | Yes | 581906 | 10/16/1993 | Programmer's Project Manager 1.16 allows BASIC programmers to have complete control over a program's development. (Craig S. Stevenson) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $50) |
PREQLB.ZIP | Yes | 81182 | 6/20/1992 | PreQLB 2.0 will automatically build a Quick Library containing all the external routines needed by a specific program. (MicroHelp, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PRNTPRG.ZIP | Yes | 36813 | 1/14/1991 | PrntProg prints out QB code with subroutines on separate pages, long lines wrapped around instead of truncated (on HPLJs), and a table listing all the subroutines and their page numbers. (Daniel Freeman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PROFILE.ZIP | Yes | 1141 | 4/10/1983 | Profile for Basic resides in memory and logs how much time is spent executing each part of a program. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
QB_LIST.ZIP | Yes | 35041 | 7/21/1992 | QB_LIST lists QuickBASIC or QBASIC programs better than their respective editors list them. (Don West) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
QBAUTO.ZIP | Yes | 2834 | 6/22/1989 | QBauto is QB4 source code for a program to get QB to automatically compile all the programs in the current directory. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
QBCREF.ZIP | Yes | 44001 | 7/10/1990 | QBcref produces a program listing and cross-reference of QB programs. (Greg Tesch) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
QBFE.ZIP | Yes | 59474 | 1/2/1991 | QuickBasic Front End is a front end for QB(X). (Jim Gagliano) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
QBFLOW.ZIP | Yes | 37802 | 1/7/1990 | QBFlow shows the relationships between the main module and the SUB and FUNCTION procedures in a QuickBasic source file. (Martin van Kuilenburg) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
QBLINK.ZIP | Yes | 69294 | 1/13/1993 | QBLink 3.1 is a compiler and linker manager for BC. (Gerald Jordan) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
QBPRT.ZIP | Yes | 41086 | 5/29/1989 | QBPrt 1.0 will make QuickBASIC source code more readable by indenting the logical structures to make them more obvious. (L. Weinman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
QBTINY.ZIP | Yes | 70365 | 11/19/1992 | QBTiny 1.2 lets you create smaller QB 4.5 EXE files. (Thomas G. III Hanlin) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
QBX.ZIP | Yes | 41198 | 12/28/1986 | QBX 2.06 is a cross-reference utility for QB programs, particularly those written without line numbers. (Vernon D. Buerg) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
QKCOMPIL.ZIP | Yes | 99844 | 10/17/1993 | QuickCompile v1.0 greatly simplifies compiling with QB. (Thomas Software) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
QUIKLINK.ZIP | Yes | 120954 | 10/17/1993 | QuickLINK is a menu-driven compilation and link manager. (BaySys) (Reg.Fee: $33) |
RKEY31QB.ZIP | Yes | 198322 | 6/23/1994 | RegKey 3.10 add registration key support to your QuickBASIC programs. (Brian Pirie) (Reg.Fee: $24) |
RTX.ZIP | Yes | 39496 | 9/2/1992 | Rtx Professional Toolbox lets your apps quickly and easily generate professional looking reports from your raw data. (Cyberphilia, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
SCRN_MAP.ZIP | Yes | 2131 | 10/27/1994 | Scrn_Map will cause the Epson printer (with script capability) to make a form that can be used to lay-out screen formats for the IBM color-graphics adapter card in the alpha-numeric mode in either the 40 or 80 column width. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SIMHLP20.ZIP | Yes | 317865 | 11/17/1994 | Simply Help 2.0 lets you add hypertext type help systems to your QB programs, as well as create stand-alone hypertext manuals, etc. (Robert E. Pitcher) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
SMALLE.ZIP | Yes | 7043 | 12/16/1990 | SmallE is a text file describing how to create smaller QuickBASIC programs. (T.G. Muench) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SORTS.ZIP | Yes | 5435 | 10/27/1994 | Sorts (Basic) runs and compares 10 programs for sorting numbers and strings in BASIC. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SQUISH33.ZIP | Yes | 5164 | 10/27/1994 | Squish33 will very quickly remove blanks and, optionally, remarks and line numbers and combine lines from a BASIC program stored in ASCII. (Vernon D. Buerg) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
STRIPHLP.ZIP | Yes | 456 | 10/27/1994 | StripHlp will strip the QB help file down to pages that can be printed. (Comptech Software and Consulti) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SUBLIST.ZIP | Yes | 62562 | 5/25/1992 | Sublist 1.0 creates a cross reference listing of all SUBs and FUNCTIONS in a Quick Basic or Basic PDS program. (Leon Feldhamer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TRUERR.ZIP | Yes | 2845 | 7/28/1992 | TruErr gives you the true error line in your compiled PDS or VBDOS programs instead of addresses pointing to the error handler. (Thomas Kiehl) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
TSRINBAS.ZIP | Yes | 155512 | 4/7/1995 | TSR_In_Basic 2.1 allows you to write TSR's in all forms of the Basic language, ie. (Garry M. McKay) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
XREF.ZIP | Yes | 60850 | 4/13/1992 | Xref (QB) 1.6 cross-references QB code: subroutines, functions, constants, labels and variables. (Reg.Fee: $ean Hodg) |